Back again with the most awaited prestigious event
Public Relations Community Proudly present: SPEAR! ( Speak To Rule The World) Speech Contest Competition about “Nationality Diversity” and Seminar about “How to Win Public Hearts Over”.
COMPETITION will be held on:
Tuesday, September 19th , 2017
8 AM – 4 PM
6th floor, Auditorium Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi UPI YAI
HTM : 100K
(open for All of Senior High School & University around Jabodetabek)
And for the SEMINAR:
Wednesday, September 20th , 2017
12 PM – 5 PM
6th floor, Auditorium Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi UPI YAI
HTM : 85K
☆ Spokesperson for the Seminar : Dr. Dyah Rachmawati Sugiyanto ( Wakil Ketua Umum 1 IPRA Humas )
And You’ll get our:
– Certificate
– Goodie Bag
– Snacks
And also for the winner from competition will get :
- Rp. 1.500.000,- + Trophy + Certificate for the 1st Winner
- Rp. 1.000.000,- + Trophy + Certificate for the 2nd winner
- Rp. 500.000,- + Trophy + Certificate for the 3rd Winner
Nowadays Public Speaking is the important soft skill that we should have. So what are you waiting for? If you need to improving your Public Speaking skill, just register yourself by drop own data by these contacts. Dare to joining us?
▪Link Form Registration : http://bit.ly/2wjCbeU
Contact Person
Whatsapp / Tlp : 0818-0685-1903 (Mitha) / 083876527907 (Celine)
Line : celiney007
For further information, please contact : Gita – 085695682292