Korps Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi (KOMIK) from University Al Azhar Of Indonesia Proudly Presents Taman Karya 2017 : “Bebaskan Belenggu Senimu!”
Mark your calendar on: 30th September 2017 at Suar Art Space, South Jakarta.
There will be the most cool workshops and art exhibition in the history! And the workshops are:
1. Art on Fabric :
Bored of painting in the same media? Here in Taman Karya you can enjoy painting in unusual media such as jeans jacket, bucket hat, and clutch.
Registration fee: 150.00 IDR
2. Mural :
Get rid of doing mural in a wall. We think out of the box! You can create your own mural on a vinyl record.
Registration fee: 75.000 IDR
3. Resin :
Create accessories from chemical material is such an uncommon thing to do, but Taman Karya offers something different!
Registration fee : 50.000 IDR
Workshop registration open from: 1st September 2017 – 20th September 2017
All the payment has already included with all the things that supports your workshop, like the painting tools and all the media to supports your art like the chemical material for Resin, the vinyl record for Mural and the fabric media for Art On Fabric!
And also you will get the certificate!
Want to know more? Go check our Instagram @tamankarya ! And here’s for the registration and more information to ask!
Line: aulaniasv (Nanda) & perdanagalih (Galih)
Whatsapp: 081295117177 (Galih)
Line: Niqitarizki (Niqi)
Whatsapp: 082244676114
Line: althafalifa (Atep)
Whatsapp: 081586605630
There will be an Open Art Exhibition, Fashion Show, and will be enlivened by @diskopantera as the guest star! We will wait for you at Suar Art Space!