Architectural Design Week 2020 is getting closer! With our theme THIRD PLACE this year, we have
prepare online events for you to enhance your skills and knowledge about Architecture! Here are some
upcoming events:
- Architalk 0.2 – Emerging Ideal Third Places : Revitalizing and Transforming Abandoned Place
- Workshop: Community House
- AGTS: Na-ung-an
- Virtual Exhibition*
- AGTS – Instatour : A Day with Antara Architects*
- Architalk 0.3 – Post-Pandemic Third Place : A Response to The Increase of Psychological Distress and
Virtual Interactions
- : Free Entry
Check out for more details in our website at and make sure you keep
up with our latest social media updates by following us on:
IG : @architecturaldesignweek
Line OA : @archdesignweek
Twitter : @archdesignweek
Facebook : Architectural Design Week
Youtube : Architectural Design Week
Wondering how much you know about Architecture? Think you’re good enough? Prove it by being a
part of our events! See you there, peeps!