
    Erasmus Mundus EXPERTS Scholarships

    EXPERTS is a scholarship projects funded by the European Commission targeted at citizens of Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

    In accordance with the EMA2 call, the objective of the EXPERTS project is to facilitate collaborations between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from South and Southeast Asia (SSEA) and EU through the exchange of information in science and policy issues while sharing key issues of sustainable development in academic cooperation.

    The project provides the following mobility scholarships from South and South-East Asia to European partner universities (Please note- there are no scholarships from EU to SSEA)-

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    • Undergraduate and graduate students
    • PhD students
    • PostDocs
    • Staff (both academic and administrative)

    The EXPERTS aims to establish an innovative framework for capacity development of junior faculty staff, undergraduates, postgraduates, and postdoc researchers through training and upgrading their skills in specified fields of study through a scheme of structured mobility.


    • In order to be an elegible candidate, you must have not resided nor have carried out your main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of the European countries.
    • No student, and no academic staff member can benefit from more than one mobility activity within the same project.
    • There are no mobility flows for students and academic staff between institutions in SSEA countries of the partnership. Mobility is only from SSEA countries to Europe.

    This project places an emphasis on research and cooperation, establishing collaborative framework for human resource development through training and upgrading the skills of junior faculty staff, undergraduates, postgraduates and postdoc researchers by specified learning objectives in the field of engineering and technology, agricultural sciences, environmental studies, business-management and social sciences. The implementation of individual mobilities, with special emphasis to research initiatives, will provide students from SSEA regions with mobility for a broader choice of opportunities for study experience in EU higher education institutions. We anticipate to further strengthen our cooperation and to develop new areas of cooperation in harmonizing innovative research as well as continuous actions for transparency and comparability between the different HE systems in EU and SSEA countries under EM Action 2. By applying ECTS standards to the exchanges, the transparency and recognition of studies and qualifications will be improved and the know-how on the Bologna process disseminated.

    The consortium has chosen to include 4 countries from group A (Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan) and 6 countries from group B (China, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Thailand). All together, the consortium consists of 13 universities from SSEA and 7 universities from EU allowing the coverage of as many subject areas as possible. The associates are chosen as they are the network of universities (such as in Asia- SEARCA and in Europe: COIMBRA Group, AGRINATURA), which ensure the effective dissemination of information about the project.

    Academic fields of study within the EXPERTS II project:

    Main areas of study:

    • Agricultural sciences
    • Architecture, urban and regional planning
    • Business studies and management sciences
    • Education and teacher training
    • Engineering, technology
    • Geography, Geology
    • Law
    • Medical Sciences
    • Natural Sciences
    • Social Sciences

    Other areas of study:

    • Physical education and Sport Science
    • Peisure Studies
    • Home Economics and Nutrition
    • Nautical Science and Navigation

    Target Group 1
    Undergraduate, master and doctorate students, post-doctorates, and academic and administrative staff that contribute to the overall topics of the EXPERTS project in research and cooperation from the partner universities that are participating from SSEA region. The candidate must be registered at the home university at the time of application and in case of undergraduate students- they must have successfully completed at least one year of studies in their home institution.

    Targeted mobilities: undergraduate, master, doctorate, post-doctorate and staff (academic & administrative)

    Target Group 2
    Master, doctorate students, and post-doctorates of non partner universities from SSEA region (concerned by lot 11) and graduates from the partner universities, oriented to the topic of the EXPERTS project in research and cooperation.

    Targeted mobilities: master, doctorate and post-doctorate

    Target Group 3
    Master and doctoral students belonging to minority groups that provide proposals that increase cooperation and research through innovation in their regions will be sought in this category.

    Some of the examples may include:

    • Candidates having a refugee status or asylum beneficiaries (international or according to the national legislation of one of the European recipient countries);
    • Candidates, who have been an object of unjustified expulsion from university on racial, ethnic, religious, political, gender or sexual inclination;
    • Candidates, who belong to an indigenous population targeted by a specific national policy or IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons).

    Targeted mobilities: master and doctorate


    • Only Candidates of the following nationalities are eligible to apply: Bangladesh – Bhutan – China – India – Indonesia – Nepal – Pakistan – Sri Lanka – the Philippines – Thailand
    • In order to be an eligible candidate, you must have not resided nor have carried out your main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of the European countries.
    • No student, and no academic staff member can benefit from more than one mobility activity within the same project.
    • There are no mobility flows for student and academic staff between institutions in SSEA countries of the partnership. Mobility is only from SSEA countries to Europe.

    Expected start date- Grantees nominated for the EXPERTS II scholarship in 2012 have to begin their scholarship by 31 December 2012. Exchange Undergraduate and Master Students follow the semester structures of the Host Universities. For timeframes, please refer to the Host Universities’ websites.

    List of Documents required:

    • Copy of passport or other official identification proof
    • Proof of the language of instruction proficiency
    • Copy of the most recent academic records-transcripts (current students)
    • Copies of the Higher Education certificates or Diplomas obtained prior to the current study (current and former students and Staff)
    • Sample of a publication (where relevant)
    • At least 2 recommendation letters
    • Motivation Letter for each Host University indicated
    • Research Proposal (Doctorate and Post Doctorate Candidates only)
    • CV (EUROPASS Format)
    • For TG3 – proof of vulnerable situation

    For full degree, please refer to the Host Universities‘ websites for details on the programmes‘ application deadlines. Please make sure you respect the EXPERTS II application deadline and separately the Host University specific programme application deadline.

    Language of tuition requirements – a proof of the language of instruction at the Host University has to be presented. In case of exchange Candidates, an official proof of the language skills issued by the Home University is sufficient, whereas degree-seeking Candidates should submit an official and recognized language assessment proof – please refer to the Host Universities’ website or contact the Host University directly for details on the language requirements.

    Doctorate, Post-Doctorate and Staff Candidates are encouraged to establish a communication with respected Host University department, an academic or a research group prior to the application. Letter of Invitation, if obtained, should be attached to the application form.

    Difficult economic situation – Candidates in difficult economic situation are encouraged to inform the Consortium on the situation in the online application, in the motivation letter. A proof of the difficult economic situation may be required.

    TG3 Candidates are required to provide the proof of the vulnerable situation in the application form.

    Bogor Agricultural University
    Prof. Dr. Anas Miftah Fauzi
    Vice Rector for Research and Collaboration
    Rectorat Building, IPB Campus
    Bogor, Indonesia
    Tel: +62-2 518 622 637

    The deadline for applications is 16:00 CET on 10 February 2012

    For more information, please visit official website:

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