Hello High Schoolers! We are International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences (IAAS) LC IPB presents you our most anticipated agricultural event,The 7th IAAS Olympic 2015! We give you a chance to get more achievement, with one of our main event, the Agro-Enviro Challenge For Senior High School (ACFS) 2015!!!
ACFS 2015 is a competition of making essay and video which is participated by senior high school students in Indonesia in the form of team. One team, consist of three members. The participants are given agricultural and environmental problems that are brought by UN through their target, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The participants submit an essay on how to solve those problems in a simple way but give a huge benefits. The video explains how the idea works on the problems.
The purpose of ACFS 2015 is to give the place for the youth to share their idea on solving the worlds especially Indonesias main agricultural and environmental problem. The grand prize this competition is 5.5 million rupiahs. To join in our event, all that you need to do are build a team consist of three members, create an essay on how to solve problems below and also create a video of it as an example of the implementation of your problem solving.
Before you register, please read the following terms and requirements by clicking link below :
Terms and requirements 7th Olympic ACFS [ UPDATED !!! ]
Registration and video submission is extended!!! NOW UP TO AUGUST 23rd 2015 !
Registration fee : Rp 125.000 / team
Problems to Solve:
- Clean Water
- Food Diversification
- Increasing the consumption of local product
- Reducing the plastic use
Collect your ideas, submit it to us, and be a part for the better agriculture of our country. Join us in the ACFS 2015 now!
To register and get more informations, click http://www.iaasipb.org/agro-enviro-challenge/
For more info :
- 085883260790 (Afu Vianti)
- 081331753036 (Fika Dessy)
- Twitter / Instagram : @iaasipb
- Facebook : IAAS LC IPB
- Path : IAAS IPB
- Website: http://www.iaasipb.org/agroquiz/