
    Indonesia Accounting Fair 18 FEB UI

    IAF is the biggest accounting event in Indonesia which the events are accounting competition, training, seminar, mini seminar. With grand theme “The Five Steps Model: New Revenue Recognition Standard to Enhance Company Financial Statement”, Indonesia Accounting Fair 18 shows its support to the implementation of IFRS 15: Revenue from Contracts with Customers and strive for its goals by giving updates about the new revenue recognition standard as well as deepen the understanding of it among students, professionals, academicians, companies, and other stakeholders.

    Thus, Indonesia Accounting Fair 18 as a highly recommended event that gives comprehensive education and training about the latest accounting issues in order to encourage accounting students and professionals to be more involved in the development of accounting as the language of business. Hopefully, Indonesia Accounting Fair 18 will be fruitful and give additional values to all of its stakeholders.

    WHEN       : March, 5th – 10th 2017

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    WHERE    : Faculty of Economics Universitas Indonesia

    For further information please visit our website at or twitter @iaf_febui. You can alsao buy our ticket seminar in the websit. 50 k for student and 120 k for public

    Contact person : Salsabee Adinda (081319801019) Lutsy (085775456921)

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