Hi young journalists!
For those of you who wish to know more about Media Convergence, you should definitely come to COMMPRESS 2017’s seminar about:
“Media Convergence: Are Our Media Ready?”
With registration price as listed below:
20k (on the spot) / 15k (early bird)
You can acquire new knowledge from 3 prominent speakers such as:
-Wahyu Dhyatmika (Executive Editor of Tempo Magazine)
-Wisnu Nugroho (Editor in Chief of Kompas.com)
-Wisnu Prasetya Utomo (Remotivi’s researcher)
This seminar will be held on Tuesday, April 18, 2017
at 1 PM (WIB) in UMN’s Lecture Hall.
This seminar is open for public (+ SKKM point for UMN’s Student)
[@commpressumn] OPEN FOR PUBLIC: Seminar “Konvergensi Media: Siapkah (Media) Kita?” di UMN (Tue 18/4). CP: Rangga (LINE: bonjourrangga)
Contact person:
Rangga Kosala >> bonjourrangga (ID Line)
Caption buat IG dan line@ medpar
(Seminar Kamis , 20 april 2017)
Hi, young journalist!
Are you bored with the usual job of journalism? Do you want to try new and exciting things?
Well, COMMPRESS 2017 has the solution!
Come to our event: “Bosan jadi jurnalis? Coba ‘jurnalis’ lain, yuk!”
With 2 exciting speaker,
Ardyan Erlangga (Managing Editor Vice Indonesia) &
Adib hidayat (editor in chief of rolling stone indonesia)
This seminar is open for public, with 1 SKKM point for UMN student.
The seminar will be held in Function Hall UMN
on Thursday, April 20th 2017 at 1 PM (WIB)
Get your ticket now for 15k (early bird)/ 20k (ots)
CP: Aldo Sitanggang (id line: aldo_sitanggang )
OPEN FOR PUBLIC: Seminar “Bosan Jadi Jurnalis? Coba ‘Jurnalis’ Lain Yuk!” di UMN (Thu 20/4) CP: Aldo (LINE: aldo_sitanggang)