
    Surat Terbuka Raksasa Untuk Presiden di Hari Anti Korupsi

    Ahmad Fauzan Sazli

    Sejumlah mahasiswa UI mengarak surat terbuka yang ditujukan kepada presiden dalam rangka memperingati hari anti korupsi se-dunia di jalan M.H Thamrin, Jakarta, Minggu, (09/12/2012). FOTO : AHMAD FAUZAN SAZLI

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    JAKARTA, KabarKampus – Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang tergabung dalam BEM se-UI membawa surat terbuka untuk Presiden Republik Indonesia. Surat terbuka yang dicetak dalam balihi berukuran 3 x 5 Meter itu dibawa mahasiswa dari bundaran HI menuju Istana Negara untuk dipajang di depan Istana Negara.

    Surat itu berisikan tuntutan kepada presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono untuk menuntaskan kasus mega korupsi di Indonesia. Kasus itu antara lain,  kasus Bank Century, Hambalang, Simulator SIM, dan kasus lainnya yang merugikan uang Negara. Dalam surat itu juga lembaga penegak hukum untuk serius menutaskan kasus-kasus korupsi tersebut. Mahasiswa juga meminta presiden menjamin tidak ada korupsi di Indonesia hingga akhir kepemimpinannya.

    “Kami berharap surat terbuka ini dapat disampaikan langsung kepada presiden,” kata Mulky korlap aksi di depan Istana Negara.

    Menurut Mulky, mereka ingin presiden yang mengaku sebagai panglima dalam pemberantasan korupsi berkomitmen penuh memberantas korupsi di Indonesia. Karena momentum ini hari anti korupsi ini, mereka berharap tidak ada lagi korupsi di Indonesia.

    Dalam aksi terbut mahasiswa juga akan menerbangkan ratusan layang-layang yang berisikan tuntutan kepada pemerintah di mengenai pemberantasan kasus korupsi di Indonesia.[]



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    1. Open Letter To President Regarding Case Edih Kusnadi


      President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

      In place

      With Regards,

      Herewith I Suheri, brother of Edih Kusnadi to submit complaints regarding The case of my brother’s alleged narcotics offenses, which my brother Edih Kusnadi been accused of taking drugs, but was arrested by police officers from the Jakarta Police Unit 1 Sub II without evidence was electrocuted and beaten which resulted in my brother’s hand was broken but the case is declared complete and P21 by the Jakarta High Court when many BAP incompatible with each other and the 10th was sentenced to 4 months for an act that was never done. I was surprised at the decision of the judge who sentenced from the East Jakarta District Court, PT Jakarta and the appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court sentenced without legal basis and unreasonable consideration will be full of engineering in it.

      With this letter I requested that President SBY – after the 27th and 28th February 2012, I have also been reported to Propam Jakarta Police and the National Police, National Police Commission, the Ombudsman and the Commission on Judicial yet so far as the reports go away without processed, presumably Mr. President ordered that the case be reopened so transfaran and no engineering. As a good citizen must obey the law and my brother would receive if convicted.

      It should be expected on this case full of legal mafia practices, our family of blind law, but we have a clear conscience must strive to adhere to the rule of law. Up to this time my brother Edih Kusnadi been arrested more than 24 months without knowing his guilt, my brother falimy and I have 2 children who still attend class 3 and class 1 Elementary School.

      I appeal to Mr. President to instruct the National Police chief Timur Pradopo and staff, as well as to the relevant parties to this case, and following the law enforcement elements that proved to manipulate the case.

      I strongly condemn all acts of engineering and mafia cases bejad immoral law that is not characterized as a protector and guardian community and a place where people can obtain justice.




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