
    Beasiswa Technopreneur Award 2017

    DAAD bekerja sama dengan Fraunhofer membuka pendaftaran beasiswa Technopreneur Award 2017. Untuk tahun ini, topik yang diangkat yaitu “Added Value for the Local Food Industry in Indonesia”.

    Pendaftaran dibuka bagi warga negara Indonesia yang telah menyelesaikan jenjang S3 di bidang relevan dengan topik. Pemenang akan mendapatkan hadiah uang tunai dan beasiswa riset selama 2 bulan di Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging, Jerman.

    Deadline pendaftaran: 15 Juli 2017.

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    What are the objectives of the award program?

    In order to strengthen collaboration between Indonesian and German researchers in the area of applied research and commercialization of research DAAD and Fraunhofer jointly award The DAAD – Fraunhofer Technopreneur Award 2017 to a young Indonesian researcher in the field of chemical science and engineering.

    Down streaming of research has become a focus of Indonesian research policy. Since the 1990s, global innovation processes have changed continuously. Newly developed products and knowledge are successfully creating new markets and revenues. Moreover globalization and transnational research have increased substantially. Researchers reach out to colleagues in other countries to join forces. The leading technology enterprises increasingly tend to follow this strategy.

    Eventually The DAAD – Fraunhofer Technopreneur Award will be mutually beneficial to both, Indonesia and Germany. The German host institution’s strengths will be complimented by the guest’s special expertise and research connections in Indonesia. For German scientists and researchers it is important to increase knowledge by exchanging ideas with their Indonesian partners. For Indonesian researchers and their scientific institutions it is important to learn how to develop marketable products. Fraunhofer will provide infrastructure and expertise in the field of technology transfer. Working together will promote joint development of internationally competitive products. Thus The DAAD – Fraunhofer Technopreneur Award – to be awarded for the seventh time this year – will help to increase the entrepreneurial potential of Indonesian researchers.

    What subject areas are funded?

    The DAAD – Fraunhofer Technopreneur Award 2017 focuses on Added Value for the Local Food Industry in Indonesia.

    The subject of the theme is the development of food products based on Indonesian crops cultivated by small-scale farmers. These foods can be made by local small and medium food producers thus improving the income of both actors.

    Why this theme is important for Indonesia and Germany:

    Indonesia is a major producer of agricultural crops such as cassava, maize, coconut but also coffee and cocoa with small scale producers still being dominant. At the same time the food and beverage industry represents one of the most important industrial sectors of Indonesia with a high share of SMEs.

    However, Indonesia also faces several challenges such as low income levels among the rural population as well as an inadequate supply of high quality protein and insufficient diet diversification. This is addressed by government programs to improve food security and the income situation of the rural population. These aims are also reflected in the German research strategy “BioEconomy2030”. Among others, this framework program is addressing topics such as fostering international cooperation as well as securing global food security. In the long term a research cooperation addressing these global challenges will strengthen the collaboration between Indonesia and Germany, both in science and economy.

    What does the award entail?

    The award winner will receive prize money and a 2 months scholarship for a research stay at one of the 69 Fraunhofer Institutes in Germany. The respective Fraunhofer Institute will provide scientific guidance and supervision in the candidate’s fields of interest.

    The monthly scholarship will be Euro 2.000. In addition, a travel allowance will be granted, and the awardee will receive Euro 3.000 prize money.

    After successful application Fraunhofer and DAAD will support the awardee in his/her efforts to develop marketable products from the research and help him/her establishing contacts with potential co-operation partners in German companies which would be able to produce these products.

    Who can apply?

    This program is open to candidates with Indonesian citizenship who hold a PhD.

    Selection criteria

    Highly-qualified scientists (Food Technology, Biotechnology, Food Chemistry, Chemical Engineering) who hold a Ph.D. and

    – who are motivated to turn research into marketable goods and services

    – who are actively networking with science and industry in Indonesia

    – who are willing to co-operate with Fraunhofer, German universities and academics, and German companies in developing marketable goods and services

    – who hold a strong conviction that their research has market potential

    – who are fluent in English (spoken and written)

    Application procedure and application documents

    Applicants must submit the following documents:

    1. DAAD Form, which can be downloaded from the

    following address:

    1. Letter of application
    2. Curriculum vitae
    3. Latest academic degree certificate (with English or German translation)
    4. List of international publications
    5. 5 page research proposal, to be structured as follows:

     Executive summary

     Market potential / feasibility study

     Research objectives

     State of the art in that area of research in Indonesia

     Expected contribution of Fraunhofer and German companies and research organizations

     Action plan/ timetable, including business Development

     Brief profile of Indonesian research institutions and companies involved

    Application address

    The DAAD Regional Office Jakarta and the Fraunhofer Representative Office in Indonesia will carry out the formal preselection of the candidates. The final selection, based on academic merit of the application, will be made by a selection committee at the DAAD Head Office in Bonn.

    Two hard copies of application (each) must be sent to:

    Ms. Lidya Natalie

    DAAD Jakarta Regional Office

    Summitmas Tower II, Lt. 14

    Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 61-62

    Jakarta 12190

    Phone: ++62 21 520 0870, 525 2807

    Fax.:++62 21 525 2822



    Mrs. Siti Rofiah

    Fraunhofer Representative Indonesia

    Menara Thamrin Suite 2505

    Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 3

    Jakarta 10250

    Phone:++62 21 315 4795

    Fax:++62 21 315 4195

    Application deadline

    The deadline for submitting all necessary documents is 15 July 2017. The winner will be selected and notified end of August 2017.  He/she can then leave for Germany for a research stay of 2 months. The stay has to be completed by December 2017.[]


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